FRYER* Institute Newsletter No. 6, June 5, 2003


Prepared by William T. Fryer, III

Introduction.   This newsletter reports on several major developments related to industrial design protection, including the
status of U. S. ratification of the Geneva Act (new design treaty),  the EU commencement of the unregistered protection part of
their Community Design Regulation system.  In addition there is a global review of trademark-product configuration protection,
and a research report on how to locate statistics on design patents and registration in the U. S. and other countries.


Table of Contents and Summary

I.  New feature of this web site:  Database on recent U. S. design patent cases - updated periodically  - Instructions on how to find the cases on the Internet

II.  Report on Global Implementation of  the New Design Protection Treaty -- The Geneva Act --  Implentation will occur soon without the U. S. membership

III.  Introduction to the European Union Community Design Resources and Analysis -- Quick access to several important resources

IV.  Report on Professor Fryer's testimony in response to Copyright Office and Patent and Trademark Office request for comments on the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, March, 18, 2003 --  Boat manufacturers support, in principle, continuation of this law, but changes are needed to make ithe registration document more effective and less burdensome on the design owners.

V.  Professor Fryer's Curriculum Vitae has been updated.


Comments on topics mentioned in this newsletter are welcomed.  All comments should e sent to the editor at the
following address:


* FRYER is a trademark for paper publications created printing out from the Internet or from a downloaded copy of the web
file, and it is a U. S. federally registered service mark for electronic services and IP conferences and programs.

©   COPYRIGHT 2003, W. T. Fryer, III, All rights Reserved.  See CONDITIONS on use of web site for exceptions.

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This page was last updated on June 5, 2003.

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